Many prospective law students hope to work for social change, in politics or government, or cite the goal of “helping people” as a top motivator. What do these applicants need to consider – especially given the amount of debt they may take on to pursue this passion? Can students rely on Public Service Loan Forgiveness? This session explores how to support students’ aspirations, and give them the information they’ll need to flourish as they choose whether law school is right, where to apply, how much to borrow, and the career path they’ll follow. Bring your own questions, favorite resources, and strategies to share.
You’ll leave this session with resources and talking points to share with applicants — whether law school is even the right decision for public-service minded students as well as other considerations such as clinics, specialties, and other attributes of law school. We will also discuss opportunities and challenges presented by federal income-driven loan repayment options (including Public Service Loan Forgiveness).
• Sarah Arslanian, Manager, Prelaw Services
AccessLex Institute
• Melanie Madden, Pre-law Advisor
University of Arizona
• Kris Katkus, Pre-Law Advisor
&wensp; University of Oregon